Yesterday three of our J Thomson Colour Printers team, Kevin Creechan Marie Gilmour and Susan Hart had the opportunity to visit St. Andrew’s Hospice to see how the money raised through the It’s A Knockout event was being used and it was a truly humbling experience.
Being able to personally see the care and unbelievable experiences that the amazing staff and volunteers give to their residents was frankly tear jerking, but in the most uplifting way.
What we learned is that it’s not just what they do for the people in their care but also what they contribute to their families, their outpatients & the communities of both North & South Lanarkshire.
They go above and beyond, and it made us so proud to be part of it and contribute in our own small way.
St. Andrew’s Hospice relies on contributions to be able to continue the outstanding work they do, so instead of giving ourselves a pat on the back for taking one Saturday out of our busy lives to raise a drop in the ocean towards what they need to continue to operate, we would like to ask all of you to keep them in your thoughts. If you are looking for a charity to support, this is an extremely worthy one.