As part of with Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2023 we wanted to highlight one of our newest employees. Billy Murdoch or “Big Billy” as he is nicknamed, has recently started a SCQF Level 6 – Soft Binding apprenticeship in our Finishing Department.
1. What does your typical day/responsibilities involve
I mostly help on the stitcher which I am learning as well as one of the other machines.
2. What made you interested in the Apprenticeship at J Thomson’s?
I had been working here for a couple of months when it got mentioned to me, it was a chance to make more money and learn more skills.
3. Did you always want to work in print, if not what else did you consider?
I never really had a set plan of what I wanted to do, always taken a chance with things.
4. What is the best part of your job?
The people that work here are all good people and the days go in fast.
5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I honestly don’t know, hopefully rich!
6. Are there any other areas in J Thomson that you have worked?
No, always within the bindery.
7. What qualification will you gain when apprenticeshp is complete/when is it complete?
SCQF Level 6 – Soft Binding!
8. What is the most exciting project you have printed so far?
Wouldn’t say I have a favourite, as long as the job runs smoothly that’s good enough.
9. Would you recommend apprenticeshps, why?
Yes, it is a chance to further your skillset.
10. You get the chance to print your own autobiography, what is the title?
Billys Book
11. When you are not in work, what do you like doing in spare time?
Going to the football or the pub. That’s it really.