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People Create Print : Apprentice Aiden Lewis

By October 3, 2022February 9th, 2023No Comments

This month’s issue of People Create Print we caught up with one of our print apprentices Aiden Lewis. See his answers below.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself? (where do you live/where did you go to school)

My name is Aiden Lewis, I am a 23 year old from North Wales, I currently live in Dumbarton. I went to the largest college in North Wales to study electrical and mechanical engineering for two years, before moving up to Scotland..

2. How long have you been an apprentice at J Thomson?

I have been working for J Thompson since August 2021.

3. How did you find out about the position?

I found out about the apprenticeship through

4. Were you interested in print before or did you set yourself a challenge?

I had accidentally stumbled into the print industry in 2019 when I used to live in Wales. I found out that I had an eye for the trade and wanted to continue my career when I moved to Scotland.

5. What are you liking best about the role?

What I like best about the role is the technical knowledge I need to do my job well, I have an interest in the way things work, so learning the ins and outs of the press makes my job enjoyable and interesting.

6. Are there any areas you find harder than others?

I find the physical aspects of the job harder than the technical parts, getting in and about the press to carry out maintenance can be both challenging and fun for me.

7. What else did you consider as a career?

Before becoming an apprentice printer, I had considered joining the Royal Navy as a Mine Warfare Specialist, this is because my Taid was in the Royal Navy when he was younger.

8. What do you like to do outside work?

Outside of work I spend my time with my partner or my friends, typically this is split between going on days out around Glasgow or the Scottish rural towns, or I play video games with my friends.

9. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In 5 years I see myself as a fully qualified printer, with the ability to run the press independently and without direct oversight. I look forward to the day where I know I have the confidence to complete jobs by myself.