Movember, formerly known as November, is when selfless men around the globe forgo shaving to grow a moustache. We have 3 work colleagues bravely taking part this year all hoping to raise awareness and funds for male health, specifically prostate & testicular cancer as well as mental health and suicide prevention. Everyone at J Thomson is getting behind the boys and we wanted to quickly ask why it is important to them.
Scott Macnair, Brian Watson and Mark Jones (or Team Tash) all work in our Pre-Press Department.
What motivated you to take part in this years Movember?
Scott: Mental health and cancer has been a big part of life recently with close family members so I felt that was the least I could do to help raise some money for a fantastic cause.
Mark: Raising money for cancer charities always motivates me. I’m always up for a challenge, but trying to grow a half decent tash is uncharted waters for me. Haven’t shaved my face properly in years so I can already hear the team call out… “When did the baby start working in prepress?”!!
Brian: I really like what the charity does to raise awareness of men’s health, so thought it would be great to raise money for them.
How will you handle not shaving for 4 weeks?
Scott: I don’t normally shave so 4 weeks should be a walk in the park, not looking forward to seeing my baldy face in the mirror.
Mark: I’m not too fussed, it should be fine. I think the wife will hate it though. Hope my 6 month old baby girl still recognizes me.
Brian: Will be a hard one for me as I always shave but should be fun to see what I look like after a month :).
Have you decided on a particular style?
Scott: I was thinking a cross between Magnum Pi meets Burt Reynolds a cool sexy look lol. 😂😂😂
Mark: The Hulk Hogan tash is a cool style, but as long as my tash isn’t grey I will be happy.
Brian: Anything apart from a Freddy Mercury tash and I will be happy lol.
Good luck boys we look forward to our weekly updates!
And as a thank you for taking part we will be treating the boys to a real Turkish Shave once finished.
Team Donation Page: https://movember.com/t/j-thomson-colour-printers?mc=1