On National Numeracy Day, we decided to catch up with our Financial Controller Kim Rice. Read her Q&A’s here.
1. Kim, you joined the company when Alastair Baird retired, how has your first year been?
It’s been great. I left my job of 15 years in practice so coming to J Thomson’s was a big change for me, but I get to work with an amazing team of people which has made the move more rewarding than I thought it would be.
2. Did he give you any pointers that has made your transition into the role easier?
One thing he said to me was ‘just enjoy it’ and so that’s what I tell myself when Kevin appears 5 minutes after closing off the month looking for the results!
3. Have you always been interested in the financial side of business?
Yes, pretty much. I started my career in accountancy at 16 as a junior accounts assistant and have never looked back.
4. When you were younger, what did you want to be?
Aside from obviously wanting to tour the world as a backing dancer for the likes of Beyonce (never say never, right!?) I knew from primary school age I would be an accountant.
5. Have you learned anything about print since you started?
I like to think I have, but really only scratched the surface – there’s a lot to learn!
6. When you are not working what do you like to do?
Spending time with my boys.
7. You are having a dinner party, who would you invite (dead or alive), why?
All my friends and family plus Gordon Ramsay because I ain’t cooking…
8. The old favourite, you are stuck on a dessert island, you are allowed one person and one item what/who would they be?
I couldn’t pick just one person, so I would take a blanket and cider instead!
9. You win the lottery, where would you like to travel to?
Somewhere off grid where no-one can reach me.
10. e are printing your autobiography, what is the title?
‘I am Kim.’